Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kaan Celebi
I am a Junior Professor of International Economics with a special focus on Europe at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Having participated in numerous research projects in recent years, I have done research on the impact of the Brexit and have investigated the link between macroeconomic factors and the equity market in crisis, pre- and post-crisis periods. I also have conducted research on the effects and interrelationships of climate change, demographic change, foreign direct investment (FDI), and inflation. My research interests are in international economics, financial economics, and economic policy with a background in applied econometrics.
I am currently working on the following areas:
FDI & sustainable economics,
climate change, capital markets and monetary policy
inflation, unemployment & FDI
European economic convergence

IDEAS RePEc Rankings:
Among Top 100 Young Economists*
(worldwide, 5 years or less)
(worldwide, by Downloads, past 12 months)
*as of 2021
26 - 30 August 2024: 39th European Economic Association Annual Congress, ERASMUS University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
3 - 5 July 2024: International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2024), Izmir, Türkiye
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
29 June - 3 July 2024: Western Economic Association International 99th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
20-22 May 2024: RCEA International Conference in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (ICEEF2024), Brunel University London, UK
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
4-5 March 2024: 16. dggö Jahrestagung 2024, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Title: "Baumol's Cost Disease in Acute vs. Long-term Care - Do the Differences Loom Large?" (with Jochen Hartwig & Pauliina Sandqvist)
1-3 February 2024: XVI. International Conference on Economics (EconWorld2024), Madrid, Spanien
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)